Calm heart comes from Clear mind

Holaaaaaaaa peeps! eh? Assalamualaikum cintaku, blog jajahan hatiku. 

okay how time flies so fast ahh its february! to be specific end of feb! OMG! how u're doing dearself? hows ur goals so far? are you okay heart? If not, chill babe! if you have something in your mind, better to tell me now! . hohohohoho uhh i think for so long I didnt get this question, even from my love ones. no worries! Allah knows well about you and every single thing that happen in your life. 

today content I will randomly share my thoughts as I dont have any readers here, so why not? nobody knows too. Hahaha

H E A R T <3 br=""> Suddenly cross in my mind, how far did myself change? is it better from my past? or even worst? how did I manage to handle pain of life?
<3 br="">

Alhamdulillah, I still walk in a long path of my life journey. sometimes its quite interesting, sometimes not. My life journey should not be a smooth sailing if my target is jannah. every day, there will be test whether it is happiness or miserable will come. Allah shown His love by giving us "ujian'. we can't compare our ujian with everyone else, cause its differ from one another. As for the start, might be hard,hurt a lot, worst, even pain. but it will slowly go away and heal (not everyday is your bad day laa) Most important thing, it will increase your imaan and taqwa towards Him. 

During my high school, I joined 'usrah' usually they call it as bulatan gembira. yes I have so much fun attending this program cause it makes me feel like I'm with my own family. (oh I started staying hostel since form 1 until matriks, so long ahh apart from family, yes! as I'm not close with my fams too that time) Usrah, at that time, they share a lots of things about religion topics, life purposes, how to build stregth to face miserable life. I still remembered my naqibah (usrah leader) or even my words tell my usrah gangs to take care of heart and dont let your heart be in comfort situation all the time. yes I miss how they tell to me to take care of my imaan, how they support me and tell me how strong I am, keep sharing favs surah and ayat from al-quran.

At that moment, I felt really grateful and yahh I love to stay in my comfort circle. Then, test getting tough and challenging as I need to get out from my comfort zone. my soft heart getting hurt as my age increase, and theres a few of friend who stay by my side, willingly to let their shoulder be cried by me especially during my hard time, sometimes no one understand. I need to persuade and remind myself that all of this time, Allah is being with me whenever I'm, Al quran is my best healer and bff. why I tell you this things? cause it tremendously effect your heart. Your heart might changing by situation, surroundings and environment you blend in. I felt like my heart is twisted, and lost. most of the time I felt like giving up of life (enough of my suicidal thoughts that matters to me much) but I keep on telling myself that no matter what, Allah with me. even there's nobody really cares about your life. God do really care about you. he loves you more than anyone else in this earth. keep having faith and trust His plan for your life. Nahh end of sharing. Hehehe I dont know how to describe my feelings even more.sometimes I'm easily annoyed with myself. Hahahaha 

So here comes my humble poems, 

Miserable life will not permanently stay,
something better await,
patience is the key 
for your heart to heal,
forget He not, 
He loves you more.

Calm your heart from busiest mind, follow your heart and keep on walking thru this journey. STEADY!

maksiat dunia mainan perasaan,
hati mudah menyerap segala,
Tapi boleh lagi ditapisi
biar kelak tidaklah gelap
pastikan ruang itu masih terbuka
sehingga hujung nyawa, 
sekelumit lafaz syahadah dijiwa. 



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