End of 2018, fresh start of 2019

Haluuuuuu my blogg! long time didnt post anything haha

as for today I wanna share about my posting and my new year's eve celebration 

Alhamdulillah, done my clinical placement 4 with happiest and greatest moments with friendly and helpful therapist. awesome new friends who teach me a lot about physio and also life lessons. during my placement I experienced mixed emotions, sometimes I'm happy, sad, insecure, feelin' down and but seriously I enjoyed everything here. grateful me cause I'm the chosen one in this path 
patient here also was too kind and really appreciate our role. will looking forward to treat more patient, help others with my profession. but the negative side of me in this clinical is, I'm too lazy to finish my work lol. omg I felt like dying rn cause have tone of task to do! hahah wow my new year resolution gonna be adventurous and need to goin thru all of the obstacles. 

okay go to next story, abut my new year's celebrationnn! its my first time and I enjoyed it very much! thanks my ain't closed yet friend sis fana, I get to know that you're really a great person. haha looking forward for our friendship babeh! we shared stories like we have known for too many years. I love your vibes. 

Move on, issa new year, I need to jot down my achievement and resolution for this year. what did I achieved, what I hv done so far in my life, my life lessons? haha nahh okay so here's my achievement on 2018 as my quotes for is "enjoy the little things":
- alhamdulillah I felt calm and peace with showered blessings from Allah (but kind of failed to istiqamah my solat sunat and read quran one page per day at least) 
- self love achieved! I'm in love with myself! I'm worth it I'm beautiful in my own way and I'm ME! (sometimes still insecure but nahh I can manage it well poyonya nisaaaa)
- being a good listener to my parents but sometimes I'm to stubborn to listen to their advices ( I'm a good girl now, no worries! haha)
- being out of my comfort zone, making more new friends created a lot of final year memories, will miss this for sure! 
-successful weight loss from 65 kg to 56 kg 

my 2019 resolution:
- Need to be a faithful servant to my God, remember Him every single time, istiqamah for istighfar 100x, quran reading especially (waqiah and al mulk), need to khatam on ramadhan this year too! 
- be productive, patience in every situation, be happy and enjoy everything u do! stress is normal thing leh
- finish degree and perform umrah/hajj with fam
- dont scared to cut off toxic people in your life, u deserve better babe
- need to make effort for ideal body weight: 45-48 kg! and tone up muscle! my hour glass body figure is still on progress! its okay if to cheat many days but dont forget your goals! and clear skin (acne will disappear and scars may fade away) 
- please think about other things instead of your jodoh! (although I didnt get chance to approach my crush haha lol sometimes I thought of hide my feelings rather than confessing. cause I know who I am, I'm nobody)

and many more! need to achieve! I cant expose it too much! but I jot down every single things that I want in 2019! THE BEST OF ME WILL TRANSFORM! 

hahah okay here my not-so-called poems:

old you still inside
figuring out deepest sin,
worry not, God will surely and always
be at your side
in good or bad of you
will human do the same?
Yes, power of love will do.

mekarnya mawar indah,
sukar dikabar 
masih mampu tersebar kejelitaannya
kaktus di padang tandus
tiada kabar tapi ada bunganya,
tak semua tahu dalamnya menyejukkan kalbu, 
bunga matahari juga tiada bandingnya
menyinari hari suram sekeliling manusia

akukah mawar? kaktus ataupun bunga matahari? 
nahh aku 'limited edition' haha 

thanks for reading haha (jgn2 takde org lansung baca haha lol) nighty everybodehhhh! 


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