Faithful peace

Duniya matters uncontrollable and can’t stop. We need to know what happen around us. But not all of matters we need to settle it. We need to come with solution. The answer really takes time or in other way, we need to be patience in everything that happen. Actually, it depends on us how we handle the situation, how we face it emotionally, mentally, physicaly and spiritually. In whatever condition you’re,  be resilent is not your no 1 choice. But somehow, we don’t have no choice. That’s what He wants for us. He’s plans always better. Always the best! 

How can we handle the uncontrollable situation? We can’t otherwise with His permission. What we can do is to persuade ourselves, make peace with the feelings. Cause all your feelings/emotions valid. It’s truly hard. Yes really. Healing from your trauma/unexpexcted situation is much harder than complaining. Complaining is not equal to vulnerable. Vulnerable means you need support emotionally by your surroundings, your right support system. Support system leads to human connection growing. 

Having a human connection really makes part of your life complete. It’s a human desire. Yes I know that we need to rely 100% in Almighty, The Most Merciful. Knowing that it’s our fitra makes me realise it’s one of feelings that He gives us. Wanted to be loved and giving love is magnificient. The utmost love of course, The Most Loving, Divine. He’s the One who put our heart with love. All of matters in this world in His control. He The Most Understanding of all. There’s always reason (hikmah) behind it. It just us, either we choose to neglect and blame this world or to make peace with His faith. Duniya is the place of tests, it’s not our home here. It’s really temporary place to be alive. 

Here’s one ayaah from al-Quran (2:186) that catch my heart ๐Ÿฅบ

“And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided”

Allah indeed the nearness to us. He, As Sami’ loves to listen to us. He knows how well we’re doing. (By knowing this ayaah makes my heart cried inside ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿค

May Allahu Ya Saleem grants us tranquility in each of our heart. May Allahu Ya Bari’ settle down all of our matters. Allahu Ya Wadud hugs our worries, uncertainty, doubt with His love. I might not know how are you feeling right now, I rely you to Allahu ya Hafeez care. I miss all of whoever’s in my life timeline before. Hope for the best for you guys. 

Take care and stay safe everyone. Fihifzillah ๐Ÿค☁️


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